The occurrence of youth concussions is something that is becoming a major issue in youth sporting and athletic activities.
With the increasing level of competitiveness and desire to succeed, youth athletes are now more likely to go into a sporting event with a fearless attitude. While this may benefit the athlete on most occasions, it also can lead to a higher risk of injury or concussion occurring during the event.

For this reason, it is essential that proper protective equipment is used during sporting events in order to allow youth athletes to perform at their maximum level while also being as safe and secure as possible.Head injuries can be incredibly serious in sporting events and can have effects that last for a lifetime.
While it has always been clear that head injuries and concussions in contact sports should not be taken lightly, many are not aware of the severity of the consequences that are often involved. As technological advancements in sports continue to improve, not only does the overall size of athlete’s increase, but also the power at which they perform.
For example, an American football player nowadays would generally have a larger body mass as well as a higher sprint speed and strength capacity than in previous generations. This ultimately means that collisions that lead to concussions or head injuries are likely to be much more damaging than in previous years.The use of effective safety equipment and protective mouthpieces such as the PowerPlus Mouthguard can be incredibly effective in preventing injuries from occurring and decreasing the damage that occurs in injuries that do occur.

Nowadays, sport injuries generally occur in a scenario where two or more athletes are performing at a very high level of intensity and one or more of them accidentally or unknowingly makes a minor adjustment or move.
For example, when going into a tackle with another player, even the slightest mistake or lapse of concentration can cause a player to misjudge a scenario and cause a concussion or major injury to themselves or other players.
This is why protective equipment is essential because not only does it protect athletes when a collision occurs, but it can also give the athletes the added concentration and security, which will prevent many accidental collisions from happening.
Additionally, concussions often occur when a player is fearful of getting injured and therefore backs out of a collision.
This can actually cause more damage to the player as they may not brace themselves for the impact of the collision. However, when a player is wearing protective equipment such as a PowerPlus MouthGuard, they will feel more secure and protected and therefore are less likely to pull out of a collision.
Although the ideal situation would be one in which these accidental collisions do not occur, this is unrealistic in a competitive and intense youth sporting environment. It is however possible to add as much protection and safety as possible to the situation and create an environment in which even when collisions do occur the players can emerge as unharmed as possible.

Ultimately, the use of protective equipment in youth sporting events can save athletes from a world of pain, anger and frustration. Furthermore, a concussion nowadays in most youth sports requires an athlete to take several weeks out to recover. This can be incredibly frustrating for a youth athlete who wants to do nothing more than get back into their sport.
Protecting against concussions and other head injuries starts with educating youth athletes on how to compete with other players in a safe and fair manner, however the use of protective equipment is also an important addition.The use of a protective mouthguard like the PowerPlus allows for extra security and stability in the jaw and mouth of the athlete. This means that if a collision does occur, the athlete has a much stronger chance of emerging from it as unharmed as possible.
This is because the protective mouthguard aligns the jaw of the individual, making their entire neck and head area more stable and less likely to shake suddenly when colliding with another athlete.Effectively, concussions in youth sporting events are occurring at an alarming rate and need to be addressed.
However, the best way to combat this at the moment is to ensure athletes are always wearing protective gear such as the Powerplus Mouthguard at all times when they are at risk of a collision leading to concussion occurring